Ecommerce Data Entry Specialist

Ecommerce Data Entry Specialist

Company: Intoude Foundation
Position: Ecommerce Data Entry Specialist
Seniority Level: Entry Level
Industry: Human Resources Services
Employment Type: Full-time
Job Functions: Administrative

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Job Overview:

Intoude Foundation is seeking a meticulous and efficient Ecommerce Data Entry Specialist to join our esteemed retail client’s ecommerce item production team. This role is ideal for entry-level candidates aiming to gain professional experience in a dynamic corporate environment. While primarily remote, this position may occasionally require in-office attendance.

Key Responsibilities:

  • Accurately input product details into inventory management systems.
  • Populate Google Sheets and Excel spreadsheets with product-specific copy, shopping guides, size charts, and other relevant information.
  • Ensure data accuracy and completeness.
  • Collaborate effectively within a team-oriented setting to achieve common goals.


  • Exceptional attention to detail and previous experience in data entry.
  • Proficiency in Google Drive and Microsoft Excel.
  • Strong communication skills and ability to thrive in a team environment.
  • Preferred experience with ecommerce product attribution.
  • Candidates with a background in writing are highly desirable.

Why You’ll Love This Role:

  • Gain valuable experience in a fast-paced corporate environment.
  • Enjoy the flexibility of primarily remote work with occasional in-office assignments.
  • Collaborate with a team of dedicated professionals.

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Subscribe to the Wibblex Jobs Membership for expert guidance on crafting exceptional CVs, cover letters, and LinkedIn profiles. This membership, renewable every month, provides continuous support to enhance your job search efforts.

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